Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ifun iphone

I truly believe it's important to explore around your home. If you're unhappy with you're current latitude, chances are a little local exploration will shed a new light on things. Just leave your keys on the counter and step outside your front door. There's always beauty - even in the ugly. Thank God for that!

Our new abode requires a little exploration. I had the stroller and toddler by my side, so I wasn't as able to spend the kind of time I'd have liked, but there's always tomorrow.

This isn't a post about high-res photography or even photography at all - this stuff is snapped with a handy cell phone I pulled out of my rear pocket. What would you capture on your exploration?

And it has nothing to do with living by a lake or living by a dumpster or something in between!   I went exploring my old neighborhood prior to the move.
Check out the sad, abandoned couch… I contributed a pair of green satin pumps to pull the story into a photography project. 

So I will continue to grab my phone and GO! Hope you will, too - and be sure to share what you stumble upon! 
P.s. If you look at the dark and dreary with the eyes of an author, you'll bring beauty out of the ugly and it'll help lift your spirits. Unimaginable, I know - but true. Make that phone earn its' bill!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kevin had a honey-do list to attend to, so we spent the day at Mom's house. But first-thing's-first, we had to get our Steak & Shake on. It's just what you do in Round Rock. Gigi hasn't quite grasped the beauty of a slider... and I think she might be the one who has been biting the straws that go to our Tervis Tumblers. (I'll chock it up to teething and let it go, for now.)

Kevin has a system. It must not be interfered with . 

It just dawned on her that she could be OUTside instead of INside.

Pause for the cause. Brother's trying to get a little game of peek-a-boo in. 

"Okay, bubs - I laughed at your antics. I'm cutting you off now." 

Ah, fresh autumn air...

And because she's a toddler, stairs of any kind are a current infatuation. 

"Look Mama! I made it down the stairs - NO HANDS!"

Hmm... if I can do it twice, I'll get twice the 'atta-girls'...

Little Levi Butt. 

She can sure crack herself up! 

Little bit of a ham! 

 She also happens to be the only one who was willing to be photographed.

Mom's lonely Hummingbird feeder.

Well, that's pretty much it. Not much of a story, I know - just a glimpse into what we were up to one day last week - and a few pics to give you a hint of the personality that is Gigi.
Happy autumn everyone!